The Mondiaal Centrum Breda ain’t able to provide you with the information you are personally looking for. But we are glad that we can provide you with internet links to websites of International organisations who are present in the Middle East and with which you can correspond.
We also provide you with internet links to websites on which newspaper, radio- and television broadcasting stations are clustered. So you are able to follow the daily news at your homeregion.
We sencerely hope that you find the information that you are looking for.
Below you will find the internet links to websites with which you have access to newssources and International organisations.
International Organisations
International Red Cross
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International Red Cross Red Cresent
Non Governmental Organisations
Amnesty International
Human Rights Watch
United Nations
World Food Program
World Health Organisation
Streaming Radio Broadcasting stations
Make your choise out of these radio stations
Streaming Television Broadcasting stations
Make your choise out of these television stations
Make your choise out of these newspapers
Het Mondiaal Centrum Breda richt zich op de zwakkere in onze maatschappij en vluchtelingen. Zij maakt voornamelijk gebruik van vrijwilligers. Deze vrijwilligers leggen een enorme toewijding aan de dag bij het organiseren van diverse activiteiten.
Activiteiten die er allereerst op gericht zijn om mensen samen en met elkaar in contact te brengen en vervolgens gaat het dan om de activiteit.
Het Mondiaal Centrum Breda is een Non-profit organisatie met een ANBI-status.